PinnedUsing custom domain for GitHub pagesRecently I decided to host my personal portfolio site using GitHub pages. Even though they have very detailed instruction on how to setup a…Jan 19, 201819Jan 19, 201819
Using AI to build modern Android apps — are we there yet?Assisted coding is very promising and fun! Fully autonomus app building might not be too far away! 🤓Feb 18Feb 18
Android remote logging to Airtable using TimberHave you ever needed to save your Android Logcat logs for later analysis? You can achieve this using Timber and service that has REST APISep 10, 2024Sep 10, 2024
How to update a Docker Container using Portainerℹ️ This is part of the self-learning log as I explore Docker and Portainer.Aug 10, 2024Aug 10, 2024
Using SQLDelight 2.0 with PostgreSQL for JVMHow to create data source to connect to PostgreSQL database and work with SQLDelight 2.0Sep 6, 2023Sep 6, 2023
Kotlin coroutines error handling strategy — `runCatching` and `Result` classUse Kotlin’s standard function `runCatching` API to handle errors from standard or coroutines functions.May 2, 20211May 2, 20211
Quick Trick — Use Android’s Animated Vector Drawable as ProgressBarTrick on how to create Android custom indeterminate progress bar behaviour using ImageView and Animated Vector DrawableAug 6, 20201Aug 6, 20201
Source code syntax highlighting on Android — Taking full controlTips on how to take full control and create your own custom-view to add syntax highlighting support in your Android app.Jul 18, 20201Jul 18, 20201
Dark mode for — why doesn’t it exist (yet)?Medium has launched a sister site called MOMENTUM that is in dark mode. Here I talk about how you can possibly have dark-mode now.Jul 5, 20204Jul 5, 20204
Setup Android Gradle based Firebase App Distribution with GitHub Actions CIA quick guide on how to set up Github Actions CI workflow to automatically post APK to Firebase App Distribution from your Android project.Jun 16, 2020Jun 16, 2020
Hackathon: Creating the simplest Muzei Wallpaper plugin for AndroidA short article showcasing how to build Muzei Live Wallpaper plugin for Android using two simple steps.May 24, 2020May 24, 2020
Use node.js tools on GitHub actions CI workflowOn April 14th, 2020 GitHub announced a major change in their plans to allow free private repositories. It’s a good time to make use of…May 23, 2020May 23, 2020
How to take your beginner Android skills to the next level by studying open-source Android AppsArticle contains list of Android Open-Source apps that are fully featured and ideal for learning different techniques.Apr 2, 2020Apr 2, 2020
Clickable link text for Android TextView — Kotlin ExtensionRecently I have had to create UI that required user tappable/clickable text in the same text view. I know this is kind of unusual as the…Jan 2, 20201Jan 2, 20201
How to be an Android Developer with just 7 taps. Deep Dive 🔎In the past few years, the Android ecosystem has exploded with lots of tools, libraries, and architecture guidelines. Recently, with I/O…May 21, 2019May 21, 2019
Create your own mock API server with Express.js and Firebase for free!Recently I had to prepare a complete mocked server for an app I worked in the past. The reason mocking was required so that app’s…Mar 13, 20191Mar 13, 20191
Why I am returning my Google Pixel 2 XLDisclaimer: This is my personal experience with the device. The opinions expressed in this article are mine only. I am not affiliated with…Nov 21, 2017Nov 21, 2017
Impact on Android dex limit when using KotlinI’ve been following Kotlin for a while, and after Google I/O 17 announcement it became the officially supported language for Android.Jul 18, 2017Jul 18, 2017
Travis CI script for your Swagger/OpenAPI SpecificationRecently I have been working with swagger in a project. Swagger 2.0 has become open standard and now referred as OpenAPI Specification…Aug 21, 2016Aug 21, 2016
Helpful Android apps for DevelopersDuring development I have come across some apps which are very helpful and worth sharing with the community.Jul 14, 2016Jul 14, 2016